Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break Instructions for Suburban Dads

Spring Break Instructions For Suburban Dads:
1.  The kids should change out of their jammies at least every two days.

2.  When you've been home all day and your work weary wife gets home from saving the world at 5:45pm, DO NOT ask, "So what's for dinner?"

3.  When your wife says, "What do you MEAN, what's for dinner?" an appropriate response would be, "What I meant was, lets go out for dinner, sweetness." (Nice save!  That's what I thought you said.)

4.  When we run out of dinner plates, cereal bowls, and like--forks-- it would be prudent to load the dishwasher.  The detergent is in the cabinet, under the sink, on the left.

5.  After the dishes are loaded, you'll need to go ahead and wash the pink Moon Sand down the drain as well.

6.  You know how I feel about the mattress neighbors.  Enough said.

7.  Resume normal activities.

1 comment:

  1. I want the answer to #3 to be "I mean from what restaurant do you want me to get dinner while you take this bottle of wine and go enjoy the bubble bath I just drew for you.... oh, and I'll take the kids with me while you enjoy the quiet."

